The Raven

The Raven

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Coronado Review will explore the past, present and future of a dynamic historic neighborhood of Midtown Phoenix. Along with the other neighborhood associations of Phoenix, the Coronado Neighborhood Association has made Coronado a wonderful place to live for the past 25 years. Members of that association are invited to participate in this blog as an extension of their own newsletter.


  1. "Coronado is a wonderful quirky neighborhood. It's quite large so there is a lot of diversity, local color and a sense that something good is happening here even though when you drive the neighborhood you'll still see a lot of homes that need to be refurbished."

    Premier Marketing Group

  2. See the Large picture of the East Side of Coronado Park just below this posting.

    Every Sunday there are baseball games in the ballpark just south of Palm Lane.

    There also is a large pool on the Southeast side of the park.

    The park is four square blocks with very tall Canary Island Palm trees on two sides and on the Palm Lane side a well-developed aboreal section with very old evergreens. There is one kind that drops very hard acorns about the size of a well-developed orange and with the surface of a hand grenade. If anyone can tell me the name of those old evergreen trees, I would appreciate the information.

  3. P.S.

    You can see those old evergreen trees below, in the second picture.

  4. The neighborhood looks lovely...
    I'd love to visit and see it in the flesh..
    Also enjoyed your pics of Coney

    I'm happy that you're doing the Coronado review again. Much appreciated.
    How do I send this?


  5. Murray,

    Here is a list of my other blogs:

    uncesConey Island Dreams
    The Coronado Review
    Arizona Violin
    Writers Anonymous, Inc.
    Computer Science
    Art Legends
    Jordan Richman - Google Profile
    Facebook | Writers Anonymous, Inc.
    writers anonymous inc. Jordan
    Jordan P. Richman | Find Articles at BNET

    If you post yourself as a follower of this blog we can use your facbook photo or another other one. You then could correspond regulary on the subjects or issues as blogger.

    I would like to do another blog on birding in Phoenix and Central park. Maybe we could work together on that one.

    Please send my blogs to your friends or anyone else you think my be interested in learning more about Phoenix neighborhoods or the subjects of the otheer ones.

